The ultimate goal of PICASSO is the development of photonic components and subsystems to build chaos-based optical communication systems. Within the framework of the project, monolithic and hybrid photonic integrated circuits will be designed and developed for the realization of chaotic transmitters and receivers. Extensive security testing, verification and calibration of the chaos encoded communication system will be performed.Different types of transmitter/receiver pairs will be fabricated and the validity of the security assumptions will be proved experimentally. Fully functional transmitter and receiver modules will be developed at four adjacent wavelengths of the ITU grid (100 GHz spacing) in the C band of the telecommunications window operating at 2.4 and 10 Gb/s. Compatibility with the existing infrastructure will be exhaustively tested and possible interactions between chaos encoded channels and conventional neighbouring channels will be investigated.
PICASSO Project Coordinator: DIMITRIS SYVRIDIS University
of Athens Email: