AA |
Authors |
Title |
Hussam Dahwa Abdulla, Martin Polovincak, Vaclav Snasel |
Using a Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF) for Clustering Data |
2 |
L.Ts. Adzhemyan, M. Hnatich, J. Honkonen |
Improved �-expansion in theory of turbulence Calculation of Kolmogorov constant and skewness factor |
3 |
Jan-Olov Aidanpää |
Analysis of multiple solutions in bifurcation diagrams to avoid unexpected dynamics |
4 |
Majdi M. Alomari and Jian Gue Zhu |
The Influence of Machine Saturation on Bifurcation and Chaos in Multimachine Power Systems |
5 |
M. Amabili, M. P. Païdoussis |
Chaotic Vibrations of Circular Cylindrical Shells: Galerkin Versus redused-order Models |
6 |
M. Amabili, K. Karagiozis, M. P. Païdoussis |
Chaotic Vibrations of Circular Cylindrical Shells Conveying Flowing Fluid |
7 |
Muvasharkhan J., Amangaliyeva M.M., Akhmanova D.M., Jenaliyev M.T., Ramazanov M.I., Tuimebayeva A.E. |
The boundary value problems for spectrally loaded heat operator |
8 |
G. Ambika and V. Resmi |
Phase Synchronization in Systems coupled through a Dynamic Environment |
9 |
G Ambika, K P Harikrishnan, R Misra & R E Amritkar |
Parametric Characterization of Multifractal Spectra |
10 |
Dorota Aniszewska and Marek Rybaczuk |
Chaos in multiplicative systems |
11 |
Panagiotis E. Antoniou, Athanasia Kotini, Elina Mavraki, Photios A. Anninos, Haritomeni Piperidou |
Correlation dimension of Magnetoencephalographic signals as a marker for brain pathogeny. |
12 |
Atsalakis George, Tsakalaki Katerina and Skiadas Christos |
Forecasting chaotic time series by simulating annealing |
13 |
Samareh Attarsharghi, Mohammad Reza Jahed-Motlagh,Nastaran Vasegh and Ali Khaki-Sedigh |
Controlling Chaos in Cardiac Arrhythmia |
14 |
Markos Avlonitis and George Efremidis |
Modeling and Simulation of Self-Organized Criticality in Landslides |
15 |
Jan Awrejcewicz |
Deterministic Chaos Machine: Experimental vs Numerical Investigations |
16 |
Alexey V. Babkin |
Estimations of the periodic regularities in time series of water runoff of Neman River for its long range forecasting |
17 |
Christophe Baehr and Olivier Pannekoucke |
Some Issues and Results on the EnKF and Particle Filters for Meteorological Models |
18 |
A.G. Bagdoev, Yu.S. Safaryan, D.R. Karapetyan, H.A. Martirosyan, G.S. Mikaelyan |
The Application of Nonlinear Waves Methods to markov Diffusion Stochastic Processes in Economics, Genetics, Astrophysics, Seismology, Phychology |
19 |
Marcel Beuler and Werner Bonath |
Architecture of a Digital Neuron-Core for real-time Computation |
20 |
Hans A. Braun and Svetlana Postnova |
Deterministic and Noise Induced Chaos in Neuronal Impulse Patterns |
21 |
Lianjun Bai, Daniel Coca |
Synthesis of Nonlinear Model Predictive Controllers for Chaotic Systems |
22 |
David Becerra Alonso and Valery Tereshko |
Local and Global Lyapunov Exponents in a Discrete Mass Waterwheel |
23 |
Andrew Beckwith |
Bounds upon Graviton mass, and making use of the difference between Graviton propagation speed and HFGW transit speed to observe post Newtonian corrections to Gravitational potential fields. |
24 |
Stanislav L. Belyakov, Marina L. Belyakova |
Handle of self-descriptiveness of network cartographical tools |
25 |
V.V. Belyi |
Non Local Fluctuations in the Oscillation Systems |
26 |
F. Bettayeb, K. Boussiha |
Ultrasonic Multiscale Modelling for Material NonDestrusctive Characterisation |
27 |
Bernd Binder |
Geodesic Holonomy Attractor between Surfaces of Different Curvature Signs Relevant to Spin Transport |
28 |
Werner Bonath, Marcel Beuler |
Architecture of a Digital Neuron-Core for real-time Computation |
29 |
A.Ya. Bondarets, O.D. Kreerenko |
The neural networks application for estimation of wheels braking actual parameters for an airplane on the runway covered with precipitations |
30 |
Braun HA and Postnova S |
Deterministic and Noise induced Chaos in Neuronal Impulse Patterns |
31 |
Marius Brazaitis, Albertas Skurvydas |
Effect of temperature on the structure of the expression of the motor system fatigue |
32 |
Serena Brianzoni, Cristiana Mammana, Elisabetta Michetti |
Complex dynamics in an asset pricing model with updating wealth |
33 |
Miroslav Byrtus and Vladimir Zeman |
Dynamics of gear drive systems with impacts: ways leading to chaos |
34 |
Han-Lim Choi and Jean-Jacques E. Slotine |
Contraction-Theoretic Observers for Lorenz-95 systems |
35 |
Manolis A. Christodoulou, Dimitris C. Theodoridis, Yiannis A. Boutalis |
Neuro-Fuzzy Nonlinear Dynamical System Approximations using High Order Neural Networks |
36 |
Manolis A. Christodoulou, Dimitris C. Theodoridis, Yiannis A. Boutalis |
Weight Tracking in Nonlinear System Identification via Fuzzy High Order Neural Network Function Approximation |
37 |
Cristina Coculescu, Radu Despa, Ovidiu Folcut |
Possibilities of Incertitude Reflecting and Modeling in Economic Decision Process |
38 |
Livija Cveticanin |
Chaos in the Duffing's type system with fractional-order term |
39 |
Prasenjit Das and Ying-Hen Hsieh |
Effect of Delays on S-I Epidemic Model |
40 |
Cristina De Campos, Werner Ertel-Ingrisch, Diego Perugini, Donald B. Dingwell, and Giampero Poli |
Chaotic Mixing in the system Earth: mixing Granitic and Basaltic Liquids |
41 |
Pier Paolo Delsanto and Antonio Gliozzi |
Fractal Dimensions Effects in Biology Resulting from a Phenomenological Univesalities Approach |
42 |
O. D’Huys, V. Flunkert, J. Danckaert, I. Fischer, E. Schöll |
Bubbling in Delay-Coupled Lasers |
43 |
Yiannis Dimotikalis |
Simulation of Multinomial Models for Oligopolistic Competition |
44 |
Loretti I. Dobrescu, Mihaela Neamtuy, Dumitru Oprisz |
Hick Samuelson Keynes dynamic economic model with discrete time and consumer sentiment |
45 |
C.T.J. Dodson |
On the entropy flows to disorder |
46 |
N.E. Dubinin, V.V. Filippov, N.A. Vatolin |
Square-well Fluid as the Reference System in Variational Calculations for Liquid Metals |
I. V. Ermakov, G. Van der Sandea, L. Gelens, A. Scirè, P. Colet, C. R.Mirasso, V.Z. Tronciu and J. Danckaert |
Numerical Investigation of Semiconductor Ring Lasers with Two ExternalCavities |
48 |
Behnam Fahimnia, Lee Luong, Romeo Marian |
Modeling and Optimization of Production-Distribution Plan in Supply Chains |
49 |
R. Fernandez-Pascual and M.D. Ruiz-Medina |
Fractal functional filtering and regularization |
50 |
Christian Finke and Ulrike Feudel |
On the Role of Subthreshold Currents in a Mammalian Cold Receptor Model |
51 |
Zeev M. Frenkel, Valery M. Kirzhner, and Abraham B. Korol |
Complex multilocus population dynamics under mixed reproduction systems |
52 |
Maria Pilar Frias and Maria Dolores Ruiz-Medina |
Functional wavelet-thresholding-based long-range dependence parameter estimation with missing data |
53 |
Alexander V. Glushkov |
Stochastic photon-correlation effects and quantum chaos in atomic and nuclear systems |
54 |
Alexander V. Glushkov, Valery Khokhlov, Nikoly Serbov,Andrey A. Svinarenko and Yuliya Ya. Bunyakova |
Non-linear prediction method in short-range forecast of atmospheric pollutants: Low-dimensional chaos |
55 |
P Goswami and K C Gouda |
Impact of Choice of Ensemble on Long-range Forecasting of Monsoon Rainfall |
56 |
Victor Grigoras, Carmen Grigoras |
Linear Communication Channel Based on Chaos Synchronization |
57 |
G. Guerrero, E. M. de Gouveia Dal Pino & M. Dikpati |
Turbulent effects in Flux-dominated Solar dynamo models |
58 |
J. L. Garcia Guirao, M. Lampart |
Positive Entropy of a Coupled Lattice System Related with Belusov-Zhabotinskii Reaction |
59 |
Senih Gurses |
Nonlinear Head-Neck Dynamics at Small Amplitude Perturbations |
60 |
A.S.Hacinliyan, E.E.Akkaya, I.Kusbeyzi, O.O.Aybar |
Maxwell-Bloch Equations as Predator-Prey System |
61 |
H. Hajkarami, H. Samandari, S. Ziaei-Rad |
Analysis of chaotic vibration of a nonlinear seven degrees-offreedom full vehicle model |
62 |
Monica Hanslien and Ola Skavhaug |
Elimination of cardiac chaos by low-volt defibrillation using three electrodes |
63 |
Pavel Hasal and Ivan Fort |
Chaos in mixing vessels |
64 |
Arash Hatami, Aria Alasty and Hassan Salarieh |
Chaotic Vibration of the First Mode of a Nonlinear Viscoelastic Beam under Moving Mass Excitation |
65 |
WD Heiss |
The onset of chaos in quantum phase transitions |
66 |
Graeme Hil, Neil Thorpe, Margaret C. Bell |
Chaos in Traffic Analysed by a Distributed Network of Sensors |
67 |
Huang Weihong |
Mutual implication relationship among complete chaotic maps that preserve a same invariant density |
Leon D. Iasemidis |
Chaos, Brain and Epilepsy: A Bioengineering Approach |
69 |
Ahmed Ibrahim and Kazunari Shibata |
Long time Simulations of Astrophysical Jets Energy Structure and Quasi-periodic ejection |
70 |
Anna V. Ignatenko |
Chaotic phenomenon in a multi-wave ionization of non- Rydberg atoms |
71 |
Alfred Inselberg |
Multidimensional Visualization and its Applications |
72 |
Hengtai Jan, Ming-Chung Ho, and I-Min Jiang |
Detecting weak phase locking in ill-defined attractors |
73 |
V. Jasaitis, F. Ivanauskas |
Front dynamics with delays in a bistable system of the reaction-diffusion type: role of symmetry of the rate function |
74 |
N. Jevtic, J.S. Schweitzer |
Identifying Chaotic and Quasiperiodic Time-Series Candidates for Efficient Nonlinear Projective Noise Reduction |
75 |
Georges Kaddoum, Pascal Charge, Daniel Roviras, and Daniele Fournier-Prunaret |
Asynchronous chaos-based DS-CDMA over multi-path channels: Analytical bit error rate |
76 |
Vladimir L. Kalashnikov |
Chaotic Mode-locking of Chirped-pulse Oscillators |
77 |
Athanasios Kalpakas, John Fasoulas and George Rovithakis |
Modeling and Verifying an Innovative Biomass-based Thermal Energy System |
78 |
Tilemahos J. Kalvouridis and Meropi Paraskevopoulou |
Basins of Convergence in the Restricted Five-Body Problem of Ollöngren |
79 |
Ko van der Weele, Giorgos Kanellopoulos, and Christos Tsiavos |
Critical Flow and Chaotic Pattern Formation in Granular Transport |
80 |
Majid Karami and Ali Moghani |
Computing the Dominant Subgroups of the Full Non-rigid Group of Hexamethylethane |
81 |
Trabelsi Karim, Ben Jemaa Zouhair and Belghith Safya |
Sensitivity to parameter variation of time-delay feedback Chua’s circuit |
82 |
Abid Karim |
Chaos in Semiconductor Laser Amplifiers |
83 |
A.O.Kasyanov, V.A.Obukhovets |
Full-Wave Analysis of a Frequency Selective Surfaces with Fractal-Type Elements |
84 |
Karsten Keller, Mathieu Sinn |
Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy from the ordinal viewpoint |
85 |
Olga Yu. Khetselius |
Atomic parity non-conservation in atoms and dynamical enhancement of weak interaction: Quantum chaos |
86 |
Olga Khetselius, A.V. Glushkov, L.Lovett and V.Buyadzhi |
Dynamics of multi-layers neural networks onthe basis of photon echo: Effects of chaos and stochastic resonance |
87 |
Boris Khots, Dmitriy Khots |
Chaos from the Observer's Mathematics point of view |
88 |
Chris King |
Exploding the Dark Heart of Chaos |
89 |
Valeriy I. Klenov |
Evaluation for Threat of Debris Flows: Virtual Nature Systems Approach |
90 |
I.Knyazeva, N.Makarenko |
Markovian forecast of extreme events by methods of symbolic dynamics |
91 |
Alexander A. Kolesnikov |
New model of nonlinear oscillations generators |
92 |
Anatoly A. Kolesnikov |
Nonlinear system’s synthesis – the central problem of modern science and technology: synergetics conception. Part I: General Statements(plenary report) |
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Anatoly A. Kolesnikov |
Nonlinear system’s synthesis – the central problem of modern science and technology: synergetics conception. Part II: Strategies of Synergetics control(plenary report) |
94 |
Anatoly A. Kolesnikov |
Nonlinear system’s synthesis – the central problem of modern science and technology: synergetics conception. Part III: Synergetics synthesis of nonlenear systems with state observers(plenary report) |
95 |
Anatoly A. Kolesnikov, Andrew A. Kuzmenko |
Synergetic approach to traditional control laws multi-machine power system modification |
96 |
Anatoly A. Kolesnikov, Phuong Nguyen |
Synergetics synthesis of amphibian control under heavy sea |
97 |
Tatiana A. Kolesnikova, Natalya A. Kolesnikova |
The problem of social self-organization of modern risk society: Social invariants -attractors |
98 |
Anton F. Kononov, Anastasia S. Kapustina |
Controlled chaos for secure communications |
99 |
Ali Kotti, Safya Belghith, Zouhair Ben Jemaa, |
Spatiotemporal-Chaotic Sequences for Asynchronous DS-UWB Communication System |
100 |
V.A. Krysko, J. Awrejcewicz, M. Zhigalov, V. Soldatov, E.S. Kuznetsova, S. Mitskevich |
Dynamic Stability Loss of Closed Circled Cylindrical Shells Estimation Using Wavelets |
101 |
Anatoly A. Kolesnikov, Andrew A. Kuzmenko |
Synergetic approach to traditional control laws multi-machine power system modification |
102 |
J. Kurths, J. Donges, N. Marwan, and Y. Zou |
Complex Networks in Climate Dynamics |
103 |
Kuznetsov N.V., Leonov G.A., and Seledzhi S.M. |
Complicated behavior of dynamical systems. Mathematical methods and computer experiments. |
104 |
A.V. Laktyunkin, A.A. Potapov, V.A. Kotelinikov |
Frequency and Spatial Features of Waves Scattering on Fractals |
105 |
Maurice Laloum |
Poise and Evolution Of The Galaxy: Structure, Flares And Cosmic Rays |
106 |
Maurice Laloum |
Dark Energy and Quantum Gravitation, From Neutrino Oscillations |
107 |
Shiuan-Ni Liang and Boon Leong Lan |
Dynamics of a bouncing ball |
108 |
V J Law, J Tynan, G Byrne, D P Dowling, and S Daniels |
The application of multivariate analysis tools for non-invasive performance analysis of atmospheric pressure plasma |
109 |
Michał Ławniczak, Oleh Hul, Szymon Bauch, and Leszek Sirko |
Experimental and numerical investigation of graphs with and without time reversal symmetry |
110 |
Anthony J. Lawrance |
Optimum and Approximate Results Using Statistical Theory |
111 |
Hans Liljenstrom |
Noise and Chaos in Brain Dynamics |
112 |
Andrey V. Loboda |
Quantum stochastic modeling of energy transfer and an account of the rotational and V-T relaxation effect in multi-photon excitation and dissociation of molecules |
113 |
A.V. Loboda, A. Fedchuk, N.V. Mudraya, T.Perelygina |
Quantum computation of populations dynamics of the resonant levels for atomic ensembles in a laser pulse: optical bi-stability effect |
114 |
Jose Luis Lopez and Jesus Montejo Gamez |
Wavefunction approach to Wigner–Fokker–Planck hydrodynamics by dissipation-based logarithmic Schrodinger models |
115 |
Loskutov E.M., Molkov Ya.I., Mukhin D., Feigin A.M. |
The Bayesian approach to modeling random dynamical systems from observed time series |
L. Mahdavian |
Interaction Study SnO2 & WO2 Nanofilm and Ethanol in the Gas Phase: Mont Carlo & Langevin Dynamic Simulation |
117 |
Marina Maksimova |
Innovations in synergetics of socio-humanitarian processes |
118 |
P. Manneville and L.A. Zepeda Nunez |
Sub-critical transitions in coupled map lattices |
119 |
Polychronis Manousopoulos, Vassileios Drakopoulos, and Theoharis Theoharis |
Point cloud modeling using fractal interpolation |
120 |
Athanasios Margaris and Miltiadis Adamopoulos |
Identifying Fixed Points of Henon Map Using Artificial Neural Networks |
121 |
Daniela Marinescu, Dumitru Marin, Ioana Ramniceanu |
The Taxation and the Attitude towards Risk |
122 |
Ljiljana Martac et all |
Abstract Paper ??? Title: P.cell |
123 |
George Matalliotakis and Charilaos Skiadas |
Modeling and Analysis of Life Table Data |
124 |
Teimuraz N. Matcharashvili, Tamaz L. Chelidze, Natasha N. Zhukova, Eketerine V. Mepharidze |
Synchronization of stick-slip acoustic emission caused by small influences |
125 |
Pier A. Mello, Victor A. Gopar, and J. A. Mendez-Bermudez |
Quantum Scattering and Transport in Classically Chaotic Cavities: An overview of Old and New Results |
126 |
Panayotis G. Michaelides, Athena Belegri-Roboli and Gerasimos Arapis |
Early Nonlinear Modelling in Economic Analysis:The Hicks Model for Greece Revisited |
127 |
Alexander B. Mikishev1, Alexander A. Nepomnyashchy1 and Boris L. Smorodin2 |
Parametric excitation of a longwave Marangoni convection |
128 |
Ming-Chung Ho, Ming-Chi Lu, Chia-Ju Liu, Chia-Yi Chou |
Function cascade synchronization scheme with fully unknown parameters for chaotic and hyperchaotic systems |
129 |
Ali Moghani |
Color Reconstruction and Image Segmentation by Logic Theory via Variant Operator |
130 |
K. Mohanakumar |
Coupling Processes in the Lower and Middle Atmosphere |
131 |
D. Mukhin, A. Feigin, Ya. Molkov, E. Loskutov |
Modelling of high-dimension dynamics by random dynamical systems |
132 |
Alexey S. Mushenko, Olga Zenkina |
Synergetics control of aircraft lowering while chaotic wind disturbances |
133 |
David C. Ni and Chou Hsin Chin |
Symmetry Broken in Low Dimensional N-body Chaos |
134 |
Artem Yu. Nikishov |
CMOS Ultrawideband Microwave Chaotic Oscillator |
135 |
Hassan N. Noura, Safwan El ASSAD |
Periodicity of One Dimensional Chaotic Map |
136 |
V.Yu.Novokshenov |
Multifrequency autoresonance and Whitham averaging of integrable systems |
137 |
Gabriel V. Orman and Irinel Radomir |
Stochastic Models in Systems Analysis |
138 |
Alexei R. Osokin, Moisey A. Livshits |
Self- organized theory model of Solar flares: New frontiers from small -scale structures |
139 |
C. D. Papageorgiou, T. E. Raptis |
140 |
R. Pakter, S. Marini, and F.B. Rizzato |
Limiting curves, confinement and chaos in the dynamics of electrons in a Hall Thruster magnetic field configuration |
141 |
Leonidas Pantelidis |
On the dynamics of interacting classical spins |
142 |
Theodore Papamarkou |
Two Aspects of Optimum CSK Communication: Spreading and Decoding |
143 |
Angeliki Papana, Dimitris Kugiumtzis |
Rendering Statistical Significance of Information Flow Measures |
144 |
Fernández Pascual, R. and Ruiz Medina, M. D. |
Fractal functional filtering and regularization |
145 |
Vinod Patidar, G. Purohit and K K Sud |
A numerical exploration of the dynamical behaviour of q-deformed nonlinear maps |
146 |
George P. Pavlos, A.C. Iliopoulos, L.P. Karakatsanis, V.G. Tsoutsouras, M.A. Athanasiou, E. G. Pavlos |
Non-equilibrium Collective Processes in Far from Equilibrium Distributed Systems.Theory and Practice. |
147 |
H. L. Pécseli, J. K. Trulsen, Ø. Fiksen |
Predators in Turbulent Water: An Analytical Model and a Numerical Test |
148 |
Carmen Pellicer-Lostao and Ricardo Lopez-Ruiz |
Introducing Chaos in Economic Gas-Like Models |
149 |
Angeles Perez-Villegas & Barbara Pichardo |
Order and Chaos in the Hubble Diagram: I. Normal Spiral galaxies |
150 |
Barbara Pichardo, Octavio Valenzuela, Angeles Perez-Villegas,Edmundo Moreno |
Reallistic Analytical Milky Way Potential for Orbital Analysis |
151 |
Polikarpov V.S. |
Selforganization and managment in development of innovation society during the transition from instable to stable development of society |
152 |
Svetlana Postnova and Hans A Braun |
Functional Implications of Tonic, Bursting and Chaotic Impulse Patterns on Neuronal Synchronization |
153 |
Alexander A. Potapov |
Fractals and Fractal Operators for Non-Linear Radio Physics Problems:Fractal Radio Systems Designing |
154 |
Potapov A.A., Matveev E.N. |
Modelling and computation of fractal antennas: circle monopole, the life-flower antenna |
155 |
A.A. Potapov, A.A. Pahomov |
The methods of the digital processing of small-contrast scenes for the real-time recognizing system |
156 |
Poulou Marilena, Stavrakakis Nikolaos |
A klein-Gordon-Schrodinger system in an unbounded domain. |
157 |
Sergey V. Prants |
Quantum chaos with atoms in a laser field |
158 |
E.P.Prokopiev |
Possibilities of Presence of Schlögl Quasichemical Reactions in an Atmosphere of Own Silicon Defects |
159 |
A. Quirce, A. Hurtado A. Valle, L. Pesquera, M. J. Adams |
Experimental study of the nonlinear polarization dynamics induced by orthogonal optical injection in 1550 nm-Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers |
160 |
Ke Qin and B. John Oommen |
An Enhanced Tree-shaped Adachi-like Chaotic Neural Network Requiring Linear-time Computations |
Oana Rachieru |
Distinguishing stochastic from chaotic nature of the data with applications in Mathematica |
162 |
K. Rajendran |
The Indian summer monsoon and its variability in high resolution Atmospheric Global General Circulation Models |
163 |
A.G. Ramm |
Chaos in an infinite-dimensional dynamical system |
164 |
A.G. Ramm |
Acoustic and electromagnetic wave scattering by many small particles and creating materials with desired properties |
165 |
Ioana Ramniceanu, Daniela Marinescu, Dumitru Marin |
The Equivalence of the Agents in Time |
166 |
Giuseppe Rega |
Experimental Unfolding and Theoretical Model of the Transition to Complex Dynamics in Sagged Cables |
167 |
Cristian-Iulian RÎNCU, Vasile-Gabriel IANA, Alexandru ŞERBĂNESCU |
Implementation of Cryptographic Techniques Based on Dynamical Systems |
168 |
Edward P. L. Roberts |
Lamellar modelling of mixing processes in chaotic flows |
169 |
Jozsef ROHACS |
A new car-following model for highway traffic safety investigation |
170 |
Epaminondas Rosa |
Synchronization in Chaotic Systems: from Plasma to Chua to Neurons |
171 |
M. Rincon and M.D. Ruiz-Medina |
Fractal functional regression for classification of gene expression data by wavelets |
172 |
K.Rypdal, B. Kozelov, M. Rypdal, T. Zivkovic |
Stochastic Modeling of Fluctuations in Solar Wind-Magnetosphere Interaction |
173 |
Dr. Masoud Sadrinasab |
Three Dimensional Numerical Modeling Study of the Coastal Upwelling in the Persian Gulf |
174 |
Leonty K. Samoylov |
The account of influence of time delays of processing of signals in digital control systems |
175 |
Leonty K. Samoylov, Dmitry S. Samoilov |
Dynamic generalization of cartographical maps |
176 |
Themistoklis Sapsis and Pierre Lermusiaux |
Reduced order evolution equations for stochastic fuid flows |
177 |
Themistoklis Sapsis and George Haller |
Clustering of inertial particles in 3D steady flows |
178 |
Anastasios Saraidaris and Athanasios Margaris |
Neural Networks and Outliers identification in ATHEX stocks and indices series |
179 |
Thomas Schwiertz |
Extreme values in financial markets |
180 |
A.M.Selvam |
Universal Characteristics of Fractal Fluctuations in Prime Number Distribution |
181 |
Inga N. Serga |
Dynamic enhancement and chaos elements in theory of a nucleus and electron internal conversion in nuclides |
182 |
Viktor I. Shapovalov |
Lorenz Attractor of an Average Enterprise |
183 |
Viktor I. Shapovalov |
Entropy Oscillations in Linear and Nonlinear Processes |
184 |
Sharko Yulia |
Gradient vector fields with impulse action on manifold |
185 |
Alexander Shermenev |
Nonlinear Shallow Water Equation in Polar Coordinates |
186 |
Aleksandr Yu. Shvets and Volodymyr Pechernyi |
Chaotic dynamics of some nonideal electroelastic system |
187 |
Alexander N. Silchenko and Peter A. Tass |
Computational modeling of bi-directional communication between neurons and astrocytes |
188 |
A.K.Singh & K.S. Sherpa |
Non-Linear Dynamics in Switched-Mode Power Electronics Converters |
189 |
Th. Umeshkanta Singh, H. H. Jafri, and R. Ramaswamy |
Strange Nonchaotic Limit Sets |
190 |
Christos H. Skiadas |
A Simulation of Von Karman Vortex Streets by using the Reflection-Translation Theory |
191 |
Charilaos Skiadas and Christos H. Skiadas |
Chaotic Modeling and Simulation: General Overview and Illustrations |
192 |
Valentin V. Sokolov |
Electron Quantum Transport through a Mesoscopic Device: Dephasing and Absorption Induced by Interaction with a Complicated Background |
193 |
Vyacheslav. M. Somsikov |
The irreversibly Mechanics of the Systems of Structured Particles |
194 |
Dmitry M. Sonechkin |
Order in theWeather Chaos |
195 |
D.M. Sonechkin, N.N. Ivashchenko, N.V. Vakulenko |
On the bifurcations inducing the 40-to-100 kyr transition of the Pliocene-Pleistocene glacial cycles |
196 |
M. R. Sorouhesh , A. Moghani and A. Zaeembashi |
Computing Fujita’s Unite Subduced Cycle Index Table for the Non-rigid Group p-Xylene |
197 |
Anastasios D. Sotiropoulos and Vaggelis D. Sotiropoulos |
Composing Chaotic Music from a Varying Second Order Recurrence Equation |
198 |
Vaggelis D. Sotiropoulos and Anastasios D. Sotiropoulos |
Music Composition from the Cosine Law of a Frequency-Amplitude Triangle |
199 |
Banlue Srisuchinwong |
Chaos in a Fractional-Order Jerk Model using Tanh Nonlinearity |
200 |
Irene Starchenko, Vitaliy Omelchenko, Denis Dushenin |
Deterministic Chaos Parameters of Human Brain Bioelectrical Activity (norma and Pathology) |
201 |
James Robert Stirling, Maria Zakynthinaki , Ignacio Refoyo, Javier Sampedro |
Using tools from nonlinear dynamics to model and analyze the heart rate kinetics in response to exercise |
202 |
Nadia-Mirela Stoian |
The Fokker-Planck equation for an isolated N- particle system |
203 |
Ioannis L. Stratakos, Michael G. Sakellariou |
Characterization of multifractal patterns in rock discontinuities. |
204 |
Sebastian Sudheer |
Hybrid projective synchronization of two-cell Quantum-CNN oscillators by adaptive method |
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Andrey A. Svinarenko, Alexander V. Glushkov, Nikoly Serbov and Tat’yana Lukash |
The sea and ocean 3D acoustic waveguide: stochastic modeling and chaos phenomena |
206 |
Larissa Svirina |
Symmetric and Asymmetric Chaos in Vector-Field Lasers |
207 |
N. H. Sweilam |
Application of He�’s parameter-expansion method to synchronization dynamics of coupled Van der Pol�–Duffing oscillators |
208 |
Olivier Talagrand |
Assimilation of Observations in a Chaotic System |
209 |
Dimitris C. Theodoridis, Yiannis A. Boutalis, Manolis A. Christodoulou |
Direct Adaptive Control in Unknown Nonlinear Systems that exhibit Brunovski Canonical Form, using Neuro-Fuzzy High Order Neural Networks, with Robustness Analysis |
210 |
Palina P. Tkachova |
To a question on self-organizing literary genres: chaos, structure, system, model in the literature, author's innovative genres |
211 |
Mikito Toda |
Dynamical Reaction Theory and Time Series Analysis |
212 |
Francisco Torrens and Gloria Castellano |
Modelling Complex Multicellular Tumour–Immune Systems |
213 |
Odysseus Tsakiridis, Evangelos Zervas, Vasilis Stefanidis |
EPAD Chaotic Oscillator |
Omur Umut |
Routh-Hurwitz Conditions and Lyapunov Second Method for a Nonlinear System |
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215 |
Jiri F. Urbanek, Jaroslav PrUcha |
Dynamical Processes Chaos Relativity to Environment Implement Scope - DYVELOP |
216 |
Alexander F. Vakakis Lawrence A. Bergman D. Michael McFarland |
Nonlinear Targeted Energy Transfer in Dynamical Systems |
217 |
J.A. Valdivia, J. Rogan, V. Munoz, B. Toledo, A. Varas, M.D. Cornejo, J. Villalobos, R. Zarama |
Chaos and criticality in city traffic under resonant conditions |
218 |
Valyaev A.N., Krylov A. L., Semenov V.N., Dolgenkov I.V., Dolgikh A.P. |
Prediction of irradiation doses for population under implementation of Russian Federal Program:“Development of Russian atomic energy industrial complex (ARFP) on 2007-2020 years”. |
219 |
Ko van der Weele, Giorgos Kanellopoulos, and Christos Tsiavos |
Critical Flow and Chaotic Pattern Formation in Granular Transport |
220 |
Vanina E.A., Astapova E.S., Veselova E.M. |
Ordered Dislocations in Solid after Radiation |
221 |
José G. Vargas-Hernández |
Economic, Social and Political Scenarios of Mexico ih the Next Two Decades |
222 |
Gennady E. Veselov |
Synergetics control of multilinked robotics systems(plenary report) |
223 |
Wang Shuang-xin Li Han Zhang Xiu-xia Wang Zhi-qin |
Nonlinear Predictive Load Control of Boiler-Turbine-Generating Unit Based on Chaos Optimization |
224 |
Wang Zhi-qin Wang Shuang-xin Zhang Xiu-xia Li Han |
On Fuzzy Modeling of Superheated Steam Temperature Using Chaos Genetic Algorithm |
225 |
Oti Wilberforce J.O |
Bioaccumulation of Metals in Fish Associated With Petroleum Pollution |
226 |
C. L. Xaplanteris and E. Filippaki |
Chaotic behavior of plasma surface interaction. A table of plasma treatment parameters useful to the restoration of metallic archaeological objects |
227 |
Y. Xu, P. Charge & D. Fournier-Prunaret |
Chaos-based communication utilizing attractor statistic detection |
228 |
Levent Yilmaz |
Fuzzy Awakening in Meander Loops Modeling |
229 |
Vilor L. Zakovorotny |
System dynamical rebuilding interacting with environment during its evolution(plenary report) |
230 |
M.S. Zakynthinaki J.R. Stirling, A. López Díaz de Duran, C.A. Cordente Martínez, M. Sillero Quintana, J. Sampedro Molinuevo and G. Rodriguez Romo |
Bifurcation and transport in the phase space of a nonlinear model of experimental human balance data |
231 |
Nikolay N. Zavalishin |
Exploring stability, bifurcations and chaos in exploited resource-based trophic chains |
232 |
Huaying Zhong |
Triangulation Pattern Based Approach to Free Form Surface Modelling |
233 |
Yulia Zubok, Vladimir Chuprov |
Risks: Institutional and Self-regulating Management Mechanisms |
C01 |
Junji Ohtsubo, Yasutoshi Takeuchi, and Rui Shogenji |
Dynamics and Chaos Synchronization of TE-TM Orthogonal Optical Feedback in Semiconductor Lasers |
C02 |
A. Bogris, A. Argyris, K.E. Chlouverakis and D. Syvridis |
Security of chaos encryption in photonic integrated circuits |
C03 |
M. Benedetti, V. Annovazzi-Lodi, C. Antonelli, and A. Mecozzi |
Long-Delay Self-Synchronization of a Chaotic Semiconductor Laser |
C04 |
Miguel C. Soriano, Pere Colet, and Claudio R. Mirasso |
Open vs Closed Loop Receivers in all-Optical Chaos-BasedCommunication Systems: the Final Round |
C05 |
Valerio Annovazzi-Lodi, Giuseppe Aromataris, Mauro Benedetti, Sabina Merlo, Valeria Vercesi |
Chaotic Transmission System in Free Space |
C06 |
A. Jacobo, M. C. Soriano, R. M. Nguimdo, P. Colet, C. Mirasso |
Breaking Chaotic Encryption using PDE’s |
C07 |
Marco Corà, Leonora Ursini, Marco Santagiustina |
Evaluating Free Space, Optical Injected Chaotic Steganography |
C08 |
Yun-Cai Wang, An-Bang Wang |
Correlation Chaotic Optical Time-Domain Reflectometry |
C09 |
Dmitry Labukhin, Christopher A. Stolz, Nickolay Zakhleniuk, Rodney Loudon, Michael J. Adams |
Investigating the chaotic behaviour of multi-section semiconductor lasers using the transmission line laser model |
C10 |
A. Hurtado, A. Quirce, L. Pesquera, A. Valle and M.J. Adams |
Experimental study of nonlinear dynamics and chaos in a 1550nm-VCSEL subject to polarized optical injection |
C11 |
Romain Modeste Nguimdo, Pere Colet, Yanne Kouomou, Laurent Larger |
Dynamics of electro-optic delay oscillators pumped with two lasers |
C12 |
Romain Modeste Nguimdo, Pere Colet, Claudio R. Mirasso |
Opto-electronic devices with double feedback loop. |
C13 |
S. Ortín, M. Jacquot, L. Pesquera, M. Peil, L. Larger |
Unmasking chaotic cryptosystems based on delayed optoelectronic feedback |
C14 |
C. A. Stolz, D. Labukhin, N. Zakhleniuk, R. Loudon, M. J. Adams |
Computer-aided analysis of the Poincaré map for the characterisation of optically-injected semiconductor lasers |
C15 |
Flavio Ruiz-Oliveras, Miguel C. Soriano, Pere Colet and Claudio R. Mirasso |
Synchronization and Message Transmission Using Coupled Semiconductor Lasers with Filtered Optical Feedback |
C16 |
V. Z. Tronciu, C. Mirasso, P. Colet, M. Hamacher, M. Benedetti, and V. Annovazzi-Lodi |
Chaos generation and communications using integrated sources with an air gap |
C17 |
Atsushi Uchida, Kazuya Amano, Masaki Inoue, Kunihito Hirano, Sunao Naito, Hiroyuki Someya, Isao Oowada, Shigeru Yoshimori, Kazuyuki Yoshimura, and Peter Davis |
Experiment on fast random bit generation using chaotic semiconductor lasers |
C18 |
Leonora Ursini, Marco Santagiustina, Cristian Antonelli, Antonio Mecozzi |
Impairments due to Fiber Random Birefringence in Optical Chaotic Steganography |
C19 |
J. Pozo1, A. Corradi, E. Smalbrugge, T. de Vries, M.K. Smit1, D. Lenstra, R. Nötzel2 |
Quantum-Dot InAs-InGaAsP-InP (100) Twin-Stripe Lasers for Secure Encrypted Communication |
C20 |
D. Rontani, A. Locquet, M. Sciamanna, D.S. Citrin |
Multiplexing Information Using Chaotic Oscillators with Multiple Feedback Loops |
C21 |
A. Argyris, A. Hamacher, A. Bogris, K.E. Chlouverakis, D. Syvridis |
Closed-loop synchronization in photonic-integrated chaos emitters |
C22 |
-Eric Nimsch, Jens von Staden, DominikBlömer, Wolfgang Elsäßer |
Investigations of Coherence Collapse scenarios of Quantum Cascade Lasers |